My Best Friend

    My sister from another mother looks nothing like me, but boy are we similar. She is a junior while I am a sophomore. She goes to a private school and I go to a public school. Her long blonde hair is the opposite of my short red hair. Her brown eyes are very different from my blue green eyes. Her skin is tanner than mine. Her body shape is so much different than mine. The shape of her face is different. Despite all of these differences, we are best friends and I couldn’t imagine not being her best friend.

    We love to sing together, so constantly whenever she comes over we watch musicals and sing to them. We act together, and we both do our best at acting so we can be in the same play no matter what part we get. When we get bored, or when we just need some Rachel and Paige time, we go shopping and try on funny clothes. Once, we got bored in Artsviews parking lot, so we got out and began dancing and singing to Frozen songs.

    Rachel went to Artsview about three or four years ago to watch Sleeping Beauty be performed. I was Maleficent, and she came up to me and got my autograph. That same year, there were tryouts at Artsview for Beauty and the Beast. We both got callbacks, and as soon as I saw Rachel, I ran up to her and hugged her. After I hugged her, I realized that I had just hugged a complete stranger. We both made the play, and soon we became very good friends. Our friendship stays strong because we get together a lot and we have a lot in common.

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